A Village | Robin Sparks

A Village

I have traded houses with a friend temporarily…my Sayan Jungalow for her home 5 minutes from central Ubud in Bali. I wanted to taste community again, she peace. We both got what we wanted, me in spades! I’ve been writing happily on my sunny terrace surrounded by the sounds of Balinese village life humming all around. Until last night…when at 3am I was woken by the sounds of chopping. I’d heard that Balinese men rise early to begin preparation of lawar before Galungan, but 3am? Yes, apparently so. One of Bali’s biggest holidays begins tomorrow, in celebration of ancestral spirits who come this time of year to visit. And so, I replaced the irritation I felt at being woken early morning with a sense of contentment, a knowing that the sounds of chopping just outside my bedroom window, represented the men of my newly adopted “village” preparing a feast, taking care of us, continuing the thread of hundreds of years of tradition…It was then that I remembered the curious squealing of a pig I heard in their yard yesterday…

And so, this is village life.

Over the backyard fence

One Response to A Village

  1. Kristin / An Unleashed Life May 11, 2010 at 4:52 am #

    Hi Robin, I met you at the workshop that you and Cat had a couple of Sundays ago at your beautiful yet isolated house in Bali. Yay for you for moving. Great that you made the move from lonely house to central Ubud to be with your community. 🙂 Enjoy your time in Bali. I left a couple of days ago and am missing that lovely island. Already looking forward to being back next year. -Kristin

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