Hello, Goodbye, Whatever | Robin Sparks

Hello, Goodbye, Whatever

Photo of friends and me (on the left) in San Francisco.

I HAVE A TICKET to fly to Bali in 8 days.

I will not be on that plane. I’m on a journey that has led to peace in my family, new beginnings with the kind of people that drew me to San Francisco in the first place, and what I’d like to think is a major growth spurt. It’s about being in liminality, the void between the old and the new. And not running out on the process. As George Strait sings "You don’t know where you’re goin’ till you know where you are." I’ll be home in San Francisco for July. Brazil in August. In September, Turkey! – THERE ARE ONLY 3 SPOTS LEFT AND EIGHT DAYS TO SIGN UP for this WORKSHOP aboard a TURKISH YACHT. Scroll down a couple of blogs for the details. Don’t miss out on this amazing experience! Here’s to you, Robin

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