Turkey | Robin Sparks

Tag Archives | Turkey

Where Robin found her home – for now at least – a country smack dab in the middle – the metaphorical place where she prefers to reside. In the geographic middle – pulled like taffy between the Middle East and the West. Turkey is truly a country in the middle. What happens here will affect the future of the whole world. Then again, we already knew that right? We are all interconnected.

Writing Workshop off the Coast of Turkey Aboard a Turkish Gulet! Sept.19-26, 2009

Tweet Hello Writers! We’re counting down to what promises to be another memorable writing workshop aboard the Kaptan Sevket on Turkey’s Turquoise coast September 19-26, 2009 with Larry Habegger, editor and co-founder of Travelers’ Tales Books. Aboard our classic Turkish wood sailing yacht, we’ll meet for instruction in the mornings after breakfast, partake in private […]

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Iraqi Refugees in Turkey

The 50 adults and children standing here tonight – next to all the belongings they will take with them contained in two bags per person, each weighing a maximum of 23 kilos – have waited for months, some for years for this day. It is 5 AM. They’ve been here since 2 AM after a six hour bus ride from various satellite cities throughout Turkey. Yet, they show no sign of exhaustion, only the palpable excitement of children the night before Christmas.

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