Archive | February, 2009

What Economic Crisis? All the news that’s fit to print today in Bali.

But last night my curiosity got the best of me and I broke my fast to read the local Bali Advertiser. There was no news of the economic meltdown. What is making the headlines in Bali?

So what is making the headlines in Bali?
[caption id="attachment_744" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Balinese traditions still integral to life on the island"]Balinese traditions still integral to life on the island[/caption]

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Escape the World and Find Yourself

the ayurvedic massage not only puts me in a deep state of relaxation, but brings up insights and melts away negativity. I have long dreamed of living in Bali, and now here I am sitting smack dab in the middle of my dream my feet being washed lovingly, my shoulders being massaged looking out at what must be the most beautiful place on the planet. The world is my mirror. What I see, both good and bad, I create. It’s an analogy I’ve heard before. But it is not until this day during this massage at this moment as I sat here looking out at these scalloped mirrored rice paddies that the words take root.

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