Archive | Where’s Robin now?

Good Morning Bali

In this moment, in this skin, feeling this heart, sitting outside surrounded by rice paddies, bare feet, wrapped in a sarong, soft tropical air bathing body, tasting Bali coffee and cashew milk on my tongue, hearing a scooter motor past, birds twitter, and unseen things cackle and crow life into being, the flutter of wings, the buzz of a bee, all of us … greeting this moment.

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snorkeling at Manta Cove

Breathing Underwater

Darth Vader-like, the manta rays arrived with mouths agape. I floated quietly gazing into their eyes saying silently, “You are such a beautiful creature”. Each one (there must have been 8-10 in all!) would appear, look me in the eye, then swoop away, bank like a plane, and return. Flashes of light sparkled through the water from divers wielding cameras on the ocean floor. I flapped my arms slowly, gracefully, mirroring (thank you NLP training!) their movements, and I did not follow or approach them, but waited for them to come to me, and come they did. Again and again.

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Gated Communities and Homeless Dinners

I talk to some of the folks eating at the table with me, and it’s not entirely clear who is homeless and who is not. Except for the frightened wild eyed look in his eyes, the gentleman across the table could be from anywhere. I am careful to veer away from small schmooze – you know, questions like, “Where do you live?”

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Ready, Set, Back to Blogging

Hours later I was walking back home along Istiklal Avenue (a 2-mile pedestrian artery through central Istanbul with over 1000 restaurants, taverns and bars), when something caught my eye in a side alley way. Looking into an early evening summer sun, there in sillouette were several old Turkish men gathered around a tiny turkish table, a cloud of smoke billowing up behind them from the nargile pipe they shared, and I heard the click clack of backgammon pieces being picked up and set back down again on a wooden board. I was filled with something that can only be described as joy.

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Bali Lite – In the News Today

“In Kalimantan Brothels Take Over Orangutans’ Habitat”. How could I not read The Bali Times today with a headline like that?
More headlines from The Bali Times, May 22-28, 2009:…Egg-Laden Motorbike in Scrambled Calamity “Eminent chicken-egg wholesaler Ketut Tutek lost all 2,836 ovums aboard his motorcycle…

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Bali Spirit Festival – Day 2

Tweet Day number two of Bali Spirit Festival 2009 is packed with classes and workshops led by healers, musicians, and instructors the likes of Swami Shankardev, Khalife, Patrick Creelman, Awahoshi, Rebecca Pflaum, Geoffrey Gordon, Nick Woolsey, Cudamani, Ravi Vempati, Ganga Giri, Akim Funk Buddha, and well, I could go on and on. It’s a metaphysical […]

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Reporting Live from the Bali Spirit Festival!

Tweet Tri Hita Karana 3 Balinese words that symbolize the heart of the Bali Spirit Festival: Harmony with God, Harmony in Community, Harmony with Nature It’s official. The 2nd annual Bali Spirit Festival is under way! A vibrant, uplifting and diverse festival of yoga, dance and music which awakens and nourishes each individual’s potential […]

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Escape the World and Find Yourself

the ayurvedic massage not only puts me in a deep state of relaxation, but brings up insights and melts away negativity. I have long dreamed of living in Bali, and now here I am sitting smack dab in the middle of my dream my feet being washed lovingly, my shoulders being massaged looking out at what must be the most beautiful place on the planet. The world is my mirror. What I see, both good and bad, I create. It’s an analogy I’ve heard before. But it is not until this day during this massage at this moment as I sat here looking out at these scalloped mirrored rice paddies that the words take root.

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