Archive | Workshops

Just Breathe

Whether you would like to recover from writer’s block, painful memories, negativity, the inability to solve a particular problem or whether you simply wish to experience incredible bliss, peace and blasts of insight that will change your life, breath work can take you there.

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“Write and Sell That Book!” workshop in Ubud, Bali Oct.1-6, 2010

So ready to write your book and get it out into the world? Join us in Ubud, Bali the week before the Annual Ubud Writers Festival for all the tools you’ll need to get your book written, published and in the hands of as many readers as possible, fast, and actually earn money doing it.

Snag one of the 20 spots available asap and we’ll see you in Bali in October!

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Writing Workshop off the Coast of Turkey Aboard a Turkish Gulet! Sept.19-26, 2009

Tweet Hello Writers! We’re counting down to what promises to be another memorable writing workshop aboard the Kaptan Sevket on Turkey’s Turquoise coast September 19-26, 2009 with Larry Habegger, editor and co-founder of Travelers’ Tales Books. Aboard our classic Turkish wood sailing yacht, we’ll meet for instruction in the mornings after breakfast, partake in private […]

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At Home in Buenos Aires

Tweet January 26, 2006 was the departure date on my airplane ticket from San Francisco to Bangkok. From Bangkok, I’d go to India, and from there to Bali. India has beckoned me for years, especially Kerala. With more and more jobs being exported to India every day and with its new role as an emerging […]

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The Personal Travel Story

Tweet Hello from Robin in Argentina. Please click the link below to join Larry Habegger and me in Turkey this June as we learn to write ‘The Personal Travel Story.’ See you in June! PDF: The Personal Travel Story (Turkey, June 3-10, 2006)

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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Tweet June 3-10, 2006 The Coast of Turkey by Yacht! Calling all moms, daughters, grandmothers, and granddaughters – new and old girlfriends… Take the journey of your life with the ones you love the most… Led by travel writer, Robin Sparks, our group of 8-10 will cruise the coast of Turkey aboard a classic 82-ft. […]

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