Robin Sparks

An American woman’s global search for a new country


A list of 49 things the author (who doesn't believe in stereotypical lists) now knows about Brazil. 1. Brazilians sing, all of the time, not always on key, but always with heart. 2. Brazilians know all of the words to all the Brazilian songs. And Brazil is one of the...

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August 30, 2004 I knew it was time to go when I woke up at 4 AM with rows of angry welts on my stomach and dozens of red bumps on my ankles all crying out at once, "Scratch me!" I hadn't minded all that much the cold showers and the drip drying afterwards (no towels)....

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September 18, 2004 Yes, I am back. It's been two weeks since I got off the plane in San Francisco. And I am just now beginning to recognize the Americana in the mirror. Usually, after a long trip, I hide out long enough to unpack my bags, catch up with mail, pay the...

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I'm back in Salvador. Arrived with no plans for accommodations...ran into Lourdes walking down the street, Lourdes, my Brazilian friend...who within moments found me a room for $7 a night, just downstairs from my English friend Helena. Yes, in the same neighborhood...

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Bohemian Paradise

I am now on the most beautiful tropical island off the coast of Salvador, Brazil...In a pousada overlooking the ocean for $30 a night! Including a bountiful breakfast. Just a 2 hour boat ride to Salvador. No motor vehicles, only sandy streets. And filled with...

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Video! Watch the video a martial art/dance which originated with the slaves as a secret ritual. Download and play "Capoeira" video. (10 mb) Capoeira, the popular acrobatic dance, was developed by the slaves in Brazil as a tool of insurrection against their masters....

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Like a pack of dogs they appeared circling, surrounding us under the halogen lights, then with lightening speed, surrounding Helena and just as quickly, another pack coming to our rescue to chase them away. They barked and snarled, but within seconds the attackers had...

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Days pick up momentum and a peculiar quality of poignancy. I go home in less than two weeks. Eris. A Greek God. So close in soul, so distant in language and age. I have sworn not to write a negative blog. And so I will not speak of our long walk along Barra Beach with...

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