Robin Sparks

An American woman’s global search for a new country

Out of the Hole

Like Saddam Hussein, I crawled out, unkempt, squinting against the glare of the sun. I had survived Summer CELTA Camp, all thirty days of it. Yes, I know it´s hard to believe that life in Brazil could be less than sublime, but the truth is that the worse kind of hell...


Don’t cry for me…My apartment in Boa Viagem, Recife, Brazil is one block from the beach. Good thing I can see it, because other than one or two jogs, I’ve not had time to go there. I left Buzios four days ago for Recife in Northeastern Brazil. Today...

Life is a Beach

I am at Tartaruga Beach, one of twenty beaches on the Buzios peninsula. In Brazil, going to the beach is the raison d’ etre – everything is planned around it – and so when in Rome… The long curved sliver of sand is lined with chaises,...


I moved into an apartment today just a few feet from the water. The WHY I switched locations is another story which I will write about when I’ve had a chance to cool down. Suffice it to say, that leaving the Aqua Barra Guesthouse in Buzios, Brazil was something...


LOG-BLOG!!! Half finished articles are jamming my notebooks faster than I can write and log them. Someone told me a “blog” is the “same as an article, only unpublished”. I am in Brazil with stories coming out of my ears. But I normally spend up...


Surfer on Buzios Beach, Brazil I have set out to swim alone among the expats of Buzios. Stefano, who once tooled around Miami in a long yellow Cadillac, played professional tennis in France, frequented the international party circuit between Uruguay, Marabella, and...