A Path Runs Through It | Robin Sparks

A Path Runs Through It

sheets of rain in Ubud, Bali

sheets of rain in Ubud, Bali

I was in the Delta grocery store in Ubud, Bali today when the rains began. Thunderously loud on the tin roof, with water leaks – and I don’t mean drip, drip, I mean streams of water, coming into the refrigerator case, over the isle of fresh fruit and coconut juice, well, everywhere. I slipped on a small water puddle on the floor and being American I pointed it out to one of the workers, expecting he would hurriedly mop it up. He shrugged and did not move. I had to laugh at myself. Something refreshing about being in a place where everything doesn’t always work as expected. Later, I was walking home through the rice paddies when I noticed a long thin green snake lying perpendicular across the narrow path. I’ve heard it’s the small green ones that are most poisonous and so I stamped my feet, dropped my helmet with a loud thud, hoping to scare it off. It too did not move…I noticed it had a frog in its jaws. And so seeing he was preoccupied, I picked up one foot to gingerly step over him. The snake (which btw looked just like a long leaf on a palm frond,) dropped the frog and raised his head to look at me, so I jumped back to wait until he had slithered away into the tall grass.

Just another day in Paradise.

A path runs through it - the rice paddies of Bali

A path runs through it - the rice paddies of Bali

Hope your holidays are joyous. Love, love, Robin

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