Archive | May, 2009

Bali Lite – In the News Today

“In Kalimantan Brothels Take Over Orangutans’ Habitat”. How could I not read The Bali Times today with a headline like that?
More headlines from The Bali Times, May 22-28, 2009:…Egg-Laden Motorbike in Scrambled Calamity “Eminent chicken-egg wholesaler Ketut Tutek lost all 2,836 ovums aboard his motorcycle…

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Tweet Last night I came across Alexandra’s Goddess site. ( I’d never been there before in spite of knowing Alexandra when she was in Bali. I went, curious as to how this Goddess, now living LA, had dealt publicly with the break up of her fiancee. Amazingly enough Alexandra kept right on being a goddess, […]

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Bali Spirit Festival Finale

point of the festival was not money. It was about bringing together some of the world’s top yoginis, sacred musicians, instructors, and gurus. It was about giving back to the community. About sharing the true essence of Balinese culture with a wider audience in order to positively impact the consciousness of people throughout the world.

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Bali Spirit Festival Rocks On – Day 3

Tweet SAHARADJA!!! I am SO a fan, as of last night. Truly amazing. The performance was a reminder of what I love and miss most about Istanbul, Turkey (my home of 3 yrs) and my home of origin in Northern California – music that celebrates life, that is a way of life, that connects at […]

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