Archive | September, 2005

Back From Being Back In Brazil

Tweet September 24, 2005 Back in San Francisco Well y’all, I’m back from Brazil. I guess you’ve noticed I didn’t post anything while I was gone, much to my self-flogging chagrin. I’m resisting the urge to lay out reams of excuses here, so let’s just say that the world is not yet San Francisco. My […]

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Desperately Seeking Solutions

Tweet Auguest 26, 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil I took my Apple to the new highly touted Mac Spa in San Francisco. When I picked it up the night before leaving for Brazil, my Mac G4 had received a new brain called Tiger. I added lots of new and improved memory, and a mic so […]

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Reality Bites

Tweet Posted: August 28, 2005 Ilha Grande, Brazil I’m pecking this out during a quick pitstop on an island called Ilha Grande just off the coast of Brazil, located halfway between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. My son, his girlfriend, and I have been sailing for two days among the 300 plus islands of […]

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Robin in Rio

Tweet August 30, 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil I was out till late last night with Ryan and Jessica. We attended a huge street party in Lapa. THIS is what I didn’t get to do when I was in Rio alone last year. There was olundum drumming and bossa nova and people crowded in the […]

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Oi. The Only Macs are at MacDonald’s

Tweet September 6, 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Oi! (Brazilian Portuguese for hello). I have a computer bloated with stories and photos meant to be passed on from me in South America to you in North America. But there is a language problem. My Mac speaks a different language than Brazilian PC’s. I spent hours […]

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New Digs

Tweet September 2, 2005 Rio de Janiero, Brazil I´ve just moved into a castle. No joke! I moved out of a non-descript hotel room in Copacabana, to my own little Rapunzel room high up on a hill in a castle complete with everything but a moat. You can see the Valentin Castle from most of […]

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Tweet September 9, 2005Fortaleza, Brazil – Maybe I’m just tired from arriving in Fortaleza at 2 AM last night only to be told my hotel was full. Or maybe it’s the constant wind. It could be the random sprouting of multi-story buildings blocking the view of what I’ve heard is a beautiful blue-green ocean. But […]

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Tweet September 9, 2005 Fortaleza, Brazil A man in the hotel lobby introduced himself as Steven. He was a stocky American with a Brooklyn accent, mid 60’s, wearing a wife beater shirt, baggy shorts that ended below chubby knees, and teva sandals. He had a voice that bespoke thousands, maybe millions of cigarettes. Steven had […]

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Tweet September 18, 2005 Fortaleza, Brazil I did my traditional foreign country beauty shop visit today. It’s the best way to get the pulse of a place and a cheap hair cut. I’d asked Francesca to take me to the best salon in Fortaleza, but here we were pulling up to a small shop called […]

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Brazilian Mating Game

Tweet Sept. 16, 2005 On a plane out of Rio de Janeiro, headed to Fortaleza, Brazil A few hours after saying goodbye to my son before he boarded a bus in Rio, I was on a GOL plane headed to Northeastern Brazil. A debonnaire Brazilian man I’d met and spoken to briefly in the airport, […]

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