Safe | Robin Sparks


An office of my own

I was blissfully going through emails in my lumbong across the garden from my house in Bali this morning, when I read a friend’s newsletter. That was the first I heard about the recent “random shooting” in Arizona.

I love not being fed the news on a regular basis. It lets me believe that the world is overall, a pretty safe place.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t experience a few of my own OMG events.

Yesterday when speeding along on my motor scooter down a bumpy country road, rice paddies whizzing by, I saw a plate-sized spider inching his way to my left hand on the handlebar. I screamed (which must have looked strange had anyone been watching) and veered to the side of the road leaping from the bike to await the spider’s departure. I don’t know what I would have done had that spider reached my hand before I managed to stop.

“How Safe Do You Feel” is a treatise on living our lives like they might be changed drastically, or end, at any moment.

Thanks Peggy for this latest scream of consciousness.


Gate to my home

One Response to Safe

  1. Kristin Morrison January 16, 2011 at 2:18 pm #

    Eek! I didn’t know there were plate-sized spiders in Bali. I choose Bali to go to last year instead of Thailand or Vietnam where I *know* there are plate-sized spiders. 🙂 Your office is lovely as is your gate. I agree, not being fed news on a daily basis is bliss. See you soon, Ms. Robin!

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