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Philosophers’ Notes from Bali

The touchstone of my 3 months in Bali has been a discussion group I attend three times a week called Philosophers’ Notes. Brian Johnson from LA has been in Bali for six months writing Cliff Notes-ish summaries on 100 self-development books and in our group we discuss the big ideas he extracts from each one. He records our discussions and puts them on his website. http://philosophersnotes.com/

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What Economic Crisis? All the news that’s fit to print today in Bali.

But last night my curiosity got the best of me and I broke my fast to read the local Bali Advertiser. There was no news of the economic meltdown. What is making the headlines in Bali?

So what is making the headlines in Bali?
[caption id="attachment_744" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Balinese traditions still integral to life on the island"]Balinese traditions still integral to life on the island[/caption]

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Tweet Adventure Travel Guides – OuterQuest.com OuterQuest.com is the leading resource for adventure travel planning and outdoor recreation. We are a direct marketing company that uses our products, services, & events to promote your adventure travel programs. Our partners are dedicated to enhancing our communities by bringing together individuals and groups in adventure recreation.

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Ex in the City

Tweet Ex In The City was formed by Margaret Manning and her son Nathan, to empower and inspire “dumped, divorced, dynamic divas

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