Tag Archives | San Francisco

Hello, Goodbye, Whatever

Tweet Photo of friends and me (on the left) in San Francisco. I HAVE A TICKET to fly to Bali in 8 days. I will not be on that plane. I’m on a journey that has led to peace in my family, new beginnings with the kind of people that drew me to San Francisco […]

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Tweet Five years ago I ended up in San Francisco just 40 miles from where I’d been born. The City By the Bay was to be the nest from which I would take exploratory flights in search of a nifty nest abroad. Oh, but how I dug my talons in, trying with all my might […]

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Quote I love

Tweet Life is short and we have not too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark way with us. Oh, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind. Henry Frederic Amiel – 1885 (thanks to Rose for this, and welcome back from Bali!)

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Tweet What a year! The past three months especially have been auspicious. I’ll fill you in in my next journal. Until then I wish you love and serenity wherever you may be. Happy holidays and huge blessings on you all. — RobinSalvador, Brazil

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Tweet My rear view mirror filled with pick-up trucks and SUV’s and then they were all around me. The sides of the freeway sprouted signs. MACY’s, WALMART, HOME DEPOT, TARGET, and IN AND OUT BURGERS. Bumper stickers on rear windshields said Vote Bush/Cheney. I pulled into an Albertson’s parking lot and saw a real cowboy. […]

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Tweet When the curtain rose on the Bale Folclorico da Bahia at the Zellerbach Auditorium in Berkeley last night, the sparse crowd applauded politely. Sandra and I were amazed that so few people had shown up. Two intermission-less hours later, the oh so cool Berkeleyites were out of their seats dancing in the aisles. You […]

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Tweet An old friend from my Tahoe days, visits me in San Francisco. We haven’t spoken in over four months, pre-Brazil. “Natasha” has a new condo in the East Bay with a private lake, a tennis court, AND she adds proudly, “It’s in a gated community”. Perplexed, I ask, “What are you afraid of?” “Are […]

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Tweet Left Coast Writers Meeting. Larkspur, California. Four days after my return to the US. Fellow writer: “Wow Robin, just back from Brazil! How does it feel?” “I don’t know. I’m still processing it.” I wasn’t back. Not all of me. There’s not a lot of sympathy wasted on jet lag. It’s a problem everyone […]

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Tweet September 18, 2004 Yes, I am back. It’s been two weeks since I got off the plane in San Francisco. And I am just now beginning to recognize the Americana in the mirror. Usually, after a long trip, I hide out long enough to unpack my bags, catch up with mail, pay the bills, […]

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