Bali Spirit Festival Finale

The Bali Spirit Festival is behind us now. Thank you Megan, Kadek, Charley, the more than 40 presenters (many who donated their time), the hundreds of volunteers, the festival attendees, and sponsors. The organizers of the festival took a financial hit of over $50,000, but the point of the festival was not money. It was about bringing together some of the world’s top yogis, sacred musicians, instructors, and gurus. It was about giving back to the community. About sharing the true essence of Balinese culture with a wider audience in order to positively impact the consciousness of people throughout the world.

On all of these accounts, the festival was an gargantuan success.

Sunday, the last day of the festival was a free day, open to families, and anyone who wanted to join, and join they did. Musicians to play together, yoginis to teach together, the community to co-mingle with visiting foreigners. It was the embodiment of Indonesia’s proclaimed mission – Unity in Diversity.

Sunday night jam session

Akim Funk Buddha

Akim Funk Buddha

Akim Funk Buddha dancing while members of various bands jam together

Akim Funk Buddha dancing while members of various bands jam together

Jam session

Jam session

Rocky Dawuni moves his performance into the crowd

Rocky Duwani moves his performance into the crowd

2 Responses to Bali Spirit Festival Finale

  1. ariadna December 14, 2011 at 2:24 pm #

    I just can’t wait to Bali Spirit Festival 2012. Have got some reduced price tickets:

  2. Robin Sparks February 20, 2013 at 11:57 pm #

    I’ll be teaching a “Breathe Life Into Your Book” workshop for all you who have a manuscript in process or are dreaming of writing a book. We’re going to combine transformational breathwork with our writing, to access the core of our messages…get to the real juice of what wants to be written. And we’ll have guest authors to talk about the process of writing their books, publishing, marketing them, and presentation skills. And we’re going to play and in Bali – temples, healers, the works. Oct 6-11, 2013. The week before the Annual Ubud Writers Festival. Limited number of spaces available.

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